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Meet Your Teacher

My name is Susan Burg. I have been living in Florence, Italy since 1978 but I was born in Chicago in the U.S. I have a degree from California College of Arts and Crafts and the University of Iowa where I studied literature and art. Last year I took one of the post graduate courses offered at the University of Florence called "Corso di Perfezionamento" in the field of planning and teaching online courses. I teach English as a Second Language at the University - Scienze della Formazione for Formatore Multimediale. I began teaching CALL here about three years ago and the more I learn about it the more fascinated I am.

My favorite things in life, besides my computer and my students are my family, my cat, reading books, and travelling.

Do you have any questions for me? Contact me at

Susan, Tommaso, Vanessa and Daniel

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